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Butleigh Parish Council

What does Butleigh Parish Council do?

Parish Councils are the first tier of local government, and as such Butleigh Parish Council (BPC) is the council closest to the residents of Butleigh. BPC is made up of 8 Councillors, however there is currently 4 vacancies), who are best placed to engage with residents and find out what the real local issues are and how to overcome them.

Examples of the work of BPC includes:

  • Holding regular meetings, and acting as a democratic voice for Butleigh residents and consulting the community on relevant issues.
  • Liaising with Somerset Council regarding road safety and highways, environmental concerns, planning policy, and other matters that are the responsibility of Butleigh’s unitary authority.
  • Liaising with key organisations such as Avon and Somerset Police and Avon Fire & Rescue regarding local crime and river safety.
  • Responding to planning consultations from Somerset Council (the ‘planning authority’) proving a local voice on all planning matters.
    Working in partnership with local groups and organisations to meet community needs

When does Butleigh Parish Council meet?

Each month, normally on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Church Rooms.

Everyone is entitled to attend and if , as an individual you feel you need to raise a subject or an issue, there is an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to raise the matter and to address the council and anyone else in attendance.  

When the meeting starts properly the Agenda is strictly adhered to and only an elected council representative is permitted to address the meeting.

Our next meeting is...

Butleigh Parish Council Councillors

View the list of Councillors below.  There are currently 4 vacancies on the Parish Council. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you are interested in getting involved.

Click here to view the Contact list for 2023.

Keith Otton

Role: Councillor